Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Throng and Throne

Throng and Throne

We are among a throng of faceless monarchical dignitaries, and we have nothing to show to prove they exist but a one digit number and a percentage sign.

They are not human, because if they were they would give their wealth over to those who are suffering, and this is why it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven...

Let it be known to every free thinking man far and wide there is an abundance of knowledge that awaits you, and my friends...my poor downtrodden ones...it is almost time for you to take up the words of God and fight back against the darkness that is overtaking the land that is rotting out from the inside.

We will align the stars and come what may will happen when we face our children and tell them stories of freedom fighters that did not sink into the sands of time, but were given entitlements of honor at the throne of the almighty.

Copyright Adam Gaile 2012

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