Sunday, November 11, 2012



Oh, thy impudent manner makes me want to eviscerate thine fledgling wit.

If thou face, were it to be in front of mine, I would feverishly tear it in twain.

Thy words are like chicken pecks…peck, peck, pecking at my ravenous soul.

For if thine curses continue to draw nigh, raining further down upon my head,

Mine own hands will come raining down upon thy neck, then glorious obstruction be made.

Yet, I know too well thine laughter will continue to gaggle...

…from the effervescence emancipating from thy mouth, which does boil my blood so. 

Prithee, do not scoff at those past inequitable cruelties that surely have wilted my heart.

Look to yon memories of yore to a rotund lad who was wholeheartedly pressed too thin too often,

By thine own mouth that spewed forth a poisonous stew that did burn my flesh ever so.

Moreover, shall it ever be ordained…thy heart will wilt when faced with my bygone pain.

Thou shalt beg on thy limp knees for mercy, for there is none other pain in the world...

…that contests the agony of knowing thy own enemy's pain. 

Take heed my good sire, and know this…that when your demise is at hand

My laughter will rise higher in timbre, as thine own screams will falter to a dying croak. 

Cursed are thy last guttural rasping words and only upon deaf ears will they fall.

Thou will never utter another in my direction for the remainder of yon last moments. 

For thou hast forsaken thy instinctive ambiguity of my turmoil…of my inward sentiments...

…and thou hast turned a tyrant eye blind.

And for that…

Oh sweet pearlescent revenge…bully, bully, bully…

…thou will be the death of us all…for I will…

I will…gladly festoon my bedchambers with your intestines. 

(The line "festoon my bedchambers with your intestines" is from the movie Gangs of New York)

Copyright Adam Gaile 2012

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