In My Shoes
When who you are when you’re alone is just another stranger
When the real face you wear is hiding behind that face behind the mirror
Then you know what it’s like walking in my shoes
When you can’t trust yourself beyond your mind’s ability to reason
When you feel the thoughts shift and change with every change of the season
Then you’ll know what it’s like to be unstable
When every second that passes is a moment of restless fatigue and discomfort inside
When your pupils dilate from the chemicals swimming behind your eyes
Then you’ll know what it’s like to be frail
When every fiber of your being wants to go back in time to stop the transformation
When you just want to crawl back into the womb, reborn into the infancy of restoration
Then you’ll feel the desperation inside me
When all you want is to feel the comfort of a woman holding you tightly in her warm embrace
When all you can do is stare back at those desolate eyes sunken in a weary face
Then you’ll know what it’s like to feel my pain
When every time you see a smile on the face of lovers strolling down the summer street
When every kiss reminds you of all that you lack and want so badly you feel defeat
Then you’ll know why tears fall down my cheeks
When every moment wasted on the past and unforgiveness of people we regret meeting
When every bloodstain met with the penetrating thrust of promises not kept after weeping
Then you will see me for who I am, and walk by in your shoes…
While my bare feet tread this narrow path…bleeding.
Copyright Adam Gaile 2012